## About me Hi there! My name is Dieter Van der Stock. I keep myself occupied with: - Being a Nuclear Reliability Engineer at the nuclear power plant at Borssele, in The Netherlands. - Volunteering for the Dutch Safety Region of Zeeland ("Veiligheidsregio Zeeland") as Information Manager. - Writing [securitynewsletter.co](https://securitynewsletter.co), a weekly e-mail shortlisting security news. ## Contact Always feel free to send me an e-mail, at "mail at thisdomain" (Can't feed the spambots). Or reach out on [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanderstockdieter/). ## Previous projects ### scanyourstuff.app A hosted service to perform regular security scans. It was great fun to build, but once it came time to launch I realised I had little to no interest in selling it. I might dig it up again at some point, I'm still proud of what I made. ![[screenshot_scanyourstuff.app.png]] ### cveapi.com An API for CVE vulnerability information. When working on vulnerability management I had a need to retrieve detailed CVE information in a vulnerability reporting process that I put together. At the time there was no API available, even though the data was published for free by NIST/NVD. So I made a little project that turned their daily json dumps into a simple API. These days NIST publishes an API of their own, and halted the publishing of their json dumps, so the project is no longer active. (I've since heard that they restarted their json dumps because of problems with the API, but they say it's only temporarily, so I see little reason to spend time on this again.) Fun to make, and easy to run. A daily cron job spit out static json files to S3, which were directly addressed in the API, so it didn't need a full-time server. It was probably one of my longest running projects with the least amount of maintenance work required :-) ![[screenshot_cveapi.com.png]] ---------------- [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanderstockdieter/)